How To Clean A Sherlock Pipe - The Easy Way

Keeping your sherlock pipe clean is key to getting better tasting smoke and ensuring your glass pipe lasts you a lifetime. But while no one wants to smoke a pipe covered in cannabis gunk, no one wants to spend the whole day cleaning pipes either!

That’s why, today, we’ll show you exactly how to clean a smoking pipe, the easy way. We’ll also leave you links to the stuff you need, and share a couple of tips to help you keep your pipe clean for longer.

Let’s clean that pipe!

Gather Your Supplies

The first thing you need to do is to gather your supplies. You’ll need:

  • A sealable plastic bag/ziploc bag: Any bag would do as long as it can fit your pipe and it can be sealed against air and water.

  • A pipe cleaning solution: Although you can use isopropyl alcohol, you’ll get better and faster results with specialized pipe and bong cleaners. When using alcohol, make sure that the material of your pipe is safe to use with it. Materials like acrylic, for example, can be harmed when using rubbing alcohol.

  • Table salt or baking soda: Only if you’re using rubbing alcohol.

  • Pipe cleaners: Or a small plastic brush if you don’t have them.

  • Paper towels: Fabric towels may get stained with resin leftovers.


How To Clean Your Pipe: Step By Step

Here’s how to clean your pipe, bubbler, or chillum, step by step:

Step 1: Remove the excess buildup

Start by using your pipe cleaners to remove any remaining burnt dry herbs from the pipe. Go through the bowl and inside the mouthpiece and carb holes to ensure you’re getting as much out as possible.

Cleaning it while dry will allow your cleaning solution to concentrate on the areas that need it, instead of wasting it on loose ashes.


Step 2: Seal your pipe in the bag

Open your bag and add a splash of your cleaning solution. If you’re using rubbing alcohol, you can add a few pinches of salt to act as an abrasive. Then, place your pipe inside the bag, removing as much air as possible to ensure it’s completely submerged.

If your pipe is too dirty, you may want to leave it soaking overnight. This will usually work better than washing it with boiling water, letting your cleaning solution break down clogs and grime.


Step 3: Shake the bag

Grab your bag with both hands and carefully and vigorously shake the pipe in the bag. You can also add a bit more coarse salt inside your dirty pipe before shaking it to help it clean the pipe.

Shake it for about a minute or two, checking your progress as you go along to remove as much resin build-up as possible. You can use a pipe cleaner or a cotton swab to finish removing all resin from your pipe.


Step 4: Rinse with hot water

Take your pipe out and rinse it with warm water to keep any resin from hardening again.

Make sure you’re removing all salt and cleaner remaining from your pipe, rinsing it with plenty of water.


Step 5: Dry and clean

Use your paper towels to thoroughly clean and dry off your pipe. You can use q-tips or pipe cleaners again for any detailing needed to make sure all the gunk is gone.

Once the pipe is completely dry, it’s ready to use again!


Tips To Keep Your Pipe Clean

No one wants to wash their pipes every day. You can make the cleaning process easier by ensuring you’re cleaning your pipe often. You don’t need to wash it after every use, but you can clean off your pipe with just a brush or pipe cleaner after every use to keep any gunk from building up.

But, when the time to wash your pipe comes, don’t postpone it! Try to wash your hand pipe every 5-10 sessions to make the cleaning process easier next time.


Final Thoughts

A clean pipe will get you the best smoking experience, allowing you to taste your delicious herbs, and keeping your piece working like new for longer.

Ready to get started? Check out our pipe and bong cleaners, and don’t forget to take a look at our glass and silicone pipes, grinders, and vapes/vaporizers!

About the author

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director

Ramon van Wanrooij - Managing Director - LinkedIn

Ramon is a well-known face in the cannabis accessories industry. As the managing director of Grasscity, Ramon is in charge of all the daily operations. He started working for Grasscity in 2014 as the Manager Supply Chain and is currently overseeing, besides his role at Grasscity, the global supply chain of High Tide Inc. Under his supervision, Grasscity, the best-rated online headshop, has shipped over a million bongs worldwide. Ramon is born and raised in Amsterdam, a.k.a. the “Grasscity”, and is educated in e-commerce, supply chain management, and cross cross-cultural management. He is an avid user and passionate expert on smoking accessories, who loves to educate the world about the latest innovations, product tips, guides, and other important information regarding using weed.