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Black Leaf Titanium Filling Dabber

  • Aus strapazierfähigem Titan
  • Mehrzweck-Dabbing-Tool
  • Verwenden Sie, um Ihre Kräuter- und Konzentratmaterialien zu verwalten
  • Angenehm zu halten und leicht
  • Flaches Ende und Löffelende
  • Hält extremen Temperaturen stand
  • Perfekt für Kräuter und krümelige oder feste Konzentrate
  • Black Leaf-Aufkleber auf der Karosserie
  • Einfach zu bedienen und zu reinigen

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22,32 €
9,06 €
8,93 €
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  22,32 €


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Black Leaf Titanium Filling Dabber

All real dabbers know that a filling dab tool is a crucial part of any dab session. Therefore, it's important to select the right tool for your unique dabbing and smoking needs. The tool is made from high-quality titanium and can be used to manage oils, waxy concentrates, and herbs.

The tool is equipped with a small spoon tip on one end and a flattened end on the other. The two different tips are perfect for picking up and handling crumbly, sticky, and solid concentrates.

This portable dab tool is extremely tough and is decorated with Black Leaf decal on the middle of its body. It is also lightweight, and it can also withstand extremely high temperatures. This useful accessory will last for years and won't let you down, even during the longest dab sessions. Order yours today for an unbeatable price at Grasscity.com!

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Marque Black Leaf
Trou de carburateur Non
Taille 18cm / 7 Inches
Material Titane
Color black
choose color black
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